星期一, 4月 04, 2011

今晚,心情真的好down好down,我一直最害怕就是這種起伏的狀態,稍一不留神,就跌入了無底深淵。如果可以,我真的好想自己現在就死掉,再不用感受到任何痛苦,我不在乎將來還有甚麼更好的在等著我,我只知道這一刻我撐得很辛苦,也不想帶著這滿身的傷痕走這輩子。 為什麼哭了一夜的淚,心痛的感覺沒有減少半點?

3 則留言:

匿名 說...

村上春樹在他的跑步書裡提到"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional." 「痛是

匿名 說...

foget about the pass and live your life now~ there're alot of people who love and cherish you~ why waste time on someone who doesn't worth of your love and care?
although we don't know each other, i wanted to tell you that i care about you and want u to live a happy life!

coolman 說...

take it easy!